PHONE: 434-983-8181
16680 W James Anderson Hwy Buckingham, VA 23921
Where Magic Happens and Spirits Grow
New Session Dates Added for Fall 2024
We have exciting news! Last year our program was full with a waiting list. This fall, we are adding Thursday sessions in addition to our current Friday sessions with Buckingham County Public Schools! This means we need DOUBLE the amount of volunteers!
Please join us for an unforgettable and rewarding experience. No prior experience necessary as we will train you for the duty you are most comfortable with. Please send us an email or message on Facebook if you have any questions!
Click here for our fall session dates. Hope to see you there!
Previous Updates
School Sessions to Resume in Spring of 2022
We are thrilled to annouce the return of our beloved school sessions beginning in February of 2022! Buckingham County School children will join us for therapeutic riding sessions and we cannot be more excited! Our horses and ponies are ready!
We are looking for volunteers to help lead horses during riding sessions and assist with non-riding activites such as grooming, classroom activites, and more! No experience is necessary - we will provide the training needed.
Sessions are on Fridays from 12:30-2pm starting February 25th through May 6th. We will skip April 1st due to the schools being off for Spring Break. You do not need to attend every session. Please contact us if you have questions and to sign up as a volunteer. We can't wait to see everyone in February!
COVID-19 Update (as of April 2021) :
Although riding programs were canceled last year, we are hopeful to resume lessons this fall!
You can still support Heartland Horse Heroes during this time. There are opportunities to donate, sponsor a horse, and more! Check out our How You can Help page or contact us for more ways to help. We greatly miss our students and cannot wait to resume lessons! We hope everyone stays safe and healthy.
Join us on September 28th from 11am-4pm for Raise the Roof!
9/04/19: Heartland Horse Heroes will be hosting the Raise the Roof event at Sprouse's Corner Ranch from 11am-4pm on September 28th. Join us for family fun at the ranch! We will have Brunswick stew, a pig roast, corn-hole tournament, face painting, pony and hay rides, a photo booth, silent auction and more. All proceeds from the event will go to our "Raise the Roof" campaign to construct an indoor arena for therapeutic use.
Tickets can be purchased at the gate. Admission fee is $10 for adults and $6 for children. In the event of inclement weather, the event will be rescheduled to Sunday, September 29th.
Congratulations to Our Newest PATH Certified Instructor - Heidi Reynolds!
5/31/19: In April 2019, Heidi Reynolds received her PATH Certified Instructor status! She will be a wonderful asset to the instructor team at Heartland Horse Heroes. Becoming a PATH certified instructor is not an easy task. One must learn the the guidelines and policies set by PATH and complete student teaching hours with a mentor. Fortunately, having two amazing PATH instructors already made that task a little easier!
After studying and completing the teaching hours, Heidi traveled to Pennsylvania and attended a regional PATH conference where she was tested on both her teaching and riding skills. Heidi did wonderfully and we are so grateful to have her in our organization.
To read more about Heidi, head over to our instructor page where we highlight our three PATH certified instructors here at Heartland Horse Heroes.
Heartland Horse Heroes Welcomes Cumberland County Public Schools to the Program
1/11/19: This year, Heartland Horse Heroes is looking forward to introducing our therapeutic riding program to a new group of students! Through a grant with Hampden-Sydney College, we have the opportunity to serve students from the Cumberland County School System on Thursdays (in addition to our regular program with the Buckingham County Schools on Fridays). We are ecstatic about this opportunity to expand our reach with our therapeutic program to students in need.
Of course this means we are in need of volunteers (classroom, horse leaders, side walkers) to assist with this program. We will have a training February 10th from 2-4pm, and February 14th (the date of the first session) from 10am-12pm. Volunteers will receive a team t-shirt. Experience is not necessary. We are also interviewing for volunteer student-teachers in the classroom.
The Thursday sessions are from 12pm-3pm, and the dates are as follows:
Feb. 14th
Feb. 21st
Feb. 28th
March 7th
March 14th
March 21st
April 11th
April 18th
April 25th
May 2nd
Contact us for more details about volunteering, the training sessions, or about any other questions you may have.
New Sensory Trail Comes to HHH!
11/29/18: A big thank you to the Buckingham County Vocational Center for creating and installing sensory trail obstacles for our students! Now participants can enhance fine and gross motor skills, exercise motor planning and following directions while having fun. We are excited to hit the trail!
The sensory trail will allow students to explore outside of the arena and face new challenges. This will aid in the growth of our riders and we are very excited to utilize the trail in 2019!